We are pleased to announce that an improved Qualifications feature will be released and made available to People module users on 16 December from 7 a.m. (GMT + 08). The revamped feature includes:

  • Approval workflow for Qualifications creation and renewal
  • More information and better organisation of Staff Qualifications and Qualifications pages
  • New information on dashboard displays

Client Administrators and People Power users will now be able to set up and define approval workflow for their staff qualifications. 

The qualifications of staff working on-site is an important piece of information. The enhanced staff Qualifications page makes it easier to:

  • View staff’s latest Qualifications status
  • Check if the staff is qualified to work on-site
  • Export data of staff qualifications

Besides the Qualifications page, we have also added two new tabs – renew and history – to track the renewal progress and easily retrieve the qualifications history.

If you feel this change would impact your operations, we’d like to hear from you. Please reach out to [email protected].

Thank you.

The Novade Team