Novade Lite Blog
Novade Lite topics and the latest updates

The power of the project
Ok, so you aren’t working on the South-North water transfer project in China which is supposedly the largest project in the world, even larger than...
Are you making any progress with Progress Reports?
If you’ve watched Office Space, you’ll remember those infernal TPS reports that the protagonist’s manager keeps hounding him about. Project Managers...
Location, Location, Location
Whether you’re planning a holiday to a hermit’s cottage in the middle of a lake or looking for your dream home, location is king (or queen). Usually...
Are you a company man?
I’ve been reading a bit of Le Carré recently and Company Men have been on my mind. But the jobsite is no place for intrigue and very often one needs...
Let’s take a closer look at site inspections
I don’t know about you, but when I hear the word Inspector, I free associate with Inspector Clouseau, that famous French policeman of Pink Panther...
The table is set. Shall we dine?
Formal table settings can get confusing. I never know which fork or spoon I need to use and why do I need different glasses for everything. But...
Is that a custom role? It fits you so well
You know that feeling when you put on a piece of clothing that fits just right. You get that extra strut in your walk and the confidence picks up?...
Are you a Taskmaster?
No, we aren’t talking about the Marvel über villain who can mimic superpowers by just observing them. We mean are you the kind of person who likes...
Have we reached peak WhatsApp?
How many times have you been interrupted by a pesky work message on WhatsApp right when you are forwarding the latest cat video to your high school...
No safety net
These guys were clearly not following the best practices in Safety. Granted that this particular photo was a staged publicity event for the...
Feeling punchy?
Anyone who has managed quality on a building project knows how crucial it is to get punch lists done right. Punch Lists, Snags or Defect Lists are...
Mr. Spock, status report?
How many times have you had to put together a report updating your boss with progress from site? And you don’t have Mr. Spock’s Vulcan powers, so...
Supercharge your collaboration
Are you a collaborator? OK that may conjure images of secret meetings with the Stasi, but that’s not what we are talking about. We mean the more...
Automate routine tasks on your projects
It’s a herculean task! How many times have you heard that or felt that when managing a project? Or when trying to coordinate a jobsite? Tons of...
The power of the project
Ok, so you aren’t working on the South-North water transfer project in China which is supposedly the largest project in the world, even larger than...
Are you making any progress with Progress Reports?
If you’ve watched Office Space, you’ll remember those infernal TPS reports that the protagonist’s manager keeps hounding him about. Project Managers...
Location, Location, Location
Whether you’re planning a holiday to a hermit’s cottage in the middle of a lake or looking for your dream home, location is king (or queen). Usually...
Are you a company man?
I’ve been reading a bit of Le Carré recently and Company Men have been on my mind. But the jobsite is no place for intrigue and very often one needs...
Let’s take a closer look at site inspections
I don’t know about you, but when I hear the word Inspector, I free associate with Inspector Clouseau, that famous French policeman of Pink Panther...
The table is set. Shall we dine?
Formal table settings can get confusing. I never know which fork or spoon I need to use and why do I need different glasses for everything. But...
Is that a custom role? It fits you so well
You know that feeling when you put on a piece of clothing that fits just right. You get that extra strut in your walk and the confidence picks up?...
Are you a Taskmaster?
No, we aren’t talking about the Marvel über villain who can mimic superpowers by just observing them. We mean are you the kind of person who likes...
Have we reached peak WhatsApp?
How many times have you been interrupted by a pesky work message on WhatsApp right when you are forwarding the latest cat video to your high school...
No safety net
These guys were clearly not following the best practices in Safety. Granted that this particular photo was a staged publicity event for the...
Feeling punchy?
Anyone who has managed quality on a building project knows how crucial it is to get punch lists done right. Punch Lists, Snags or Defect Lists are...
Mr. Spock, status report?
How many times have you had to put together a report updating your boss with progress from site? And you don’t have Mr. Spock’s Vulcan powers, so...
Supercharge your collaboration
Are you a collaborator? OK that may conjure images of secret meetings with the Stasi, but that’s not what we are talking about. We mean the more...
Automate routine tasks on your projects
It’s a herculean task! How many times have you heard that or felt that when managing a project? Or when trying to coordinate a jobsite? Tons of...
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