Be ready for the BuildSG-COVIDSafe Platform (CSP) with Novade
CSP’s front-end digital solution provider
SMM Compliance monitoring
Worksite access control
Workers Whitelist AccessCode
Daily reports to BCA
Electronic Productivity Submission System (ePSS)

Novade wins Impact Award at the Built Environment Demo Day 2021
The all-in-one platform to ensure compliance with
Safe Management Measures (SMM)
Novade helps contractors meet the Building and Construction Authority (BCA)’s
COVID-Safe Restart Criteria, including the management of
SAFE Workforce | SAFE Worksite | SAFE Accommodation | SAFE Transportation
Implement Safe Management Measures (SMM) in the field with a single site management platform
SMM compliance monitoring
Workers Whitelist AccessCode
Worksite access control
Movement control (Zoning)
Health declarations & visitor management
Temperature records
Contactless Inspection
Personnel Entering Site Report
Electronic Productivity Submission System (ePSS)

Location QR code check-in

Bluetooth Tracing

Thermal Cameras

AI Cameras & Wearables

Up to 80% ADS grants available
Get government funding for the construction industry
Functionalities to Operate Safely

SMM compliance dashboard
- Instant overview of workers on site by day/week/month
- Leave visibility of how many workers are presently on annual/medical leave
- Suspected cases identifier
- AccessCode green/red identifier
- Export data easily with a user-friendly interface for audit purposes

Control movement with location tracking
- Check in and out with QR codes
- Monitor site movement remotely and efficiently with real-time updates from the field
- Identify non-compliance and take corrective actions promptly
- Export data easily with a user-friendly interface for audit purposes
- Integrate with SafeEntry and TraceTogether

Identify whitelisted workers
- Utilise digital tools to streamline the process of verifying workers before entering the job site
- Keep records of worksite entrance/exit and temperatures of each individual worker
Whitelist AccessCode
Traditional Process
Step 1
Open the last Excel file
Step 2
Download AccessCode from MOM
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Digital Process with Novade

Daily health declaration and visitor management
- Daily Health Declaration
- Easily create accounts and records for all employees
- Simplify administration for the induction process
- Effortlessly collect Health Declarations of all employees
- Trace the last 28 days of Health Status updates
- Visitor Management
- Scan a QR Code and fill up the visitor form
- Automated consolidation of records for submission to BCA e.g. Personnel entering site report

Temperature Taking
– Thermal Scanners
- Features
- Automated temperature-taking process for workers entering and exiting the worksite
- Facial recognition links workers’ temperatures with their individual accounts
- Automatic synchronisation of data from thermal scanners to the Novade Platform via API
- Advantages
- Single platform that provides comprehensive data and improves productivity by streamlining the temperature-taking process
- Improves safety with contactless temperature-taking for field operators entering and leaving the worksite

Conduct digital safety inspections
and assign corrective actions on the spot.
- Conduct inspections and lodge non-conformities
- Select standard descriptions; take and annotate pictures
- Assign corrective actions on the spot with starting dates, completion and levels of severity
- Generate reports automatically; option to customise report format to match client requirements
Mandatory Reports – BCA
- Features
- Streamline process of collecting all necessary data
- Reports can be easily exported to submit to BCA
- Personnel Entering Site Report
- Report on confirmed COVID Positive Case (COVID+)
- Electronic Productivity Submission System

IoT integration –
Thermal scanners
- Automate temperature taking for field operators entering and leaving the worksite
- Tag each worker’s temperature to their profile using facial recognition
- Deny entry to persons detected with high body temperature
- Integrate seamlessly with Novade’s platform through API
- Retrieve data from a single source of information
IoT integration –
AI cameras and wearables
- Monitor for any violations of safe distancing measures with AI cameras
- Detect unsafe behaviours: e.g. workers not wearing masks, overcrowding, etc.
- Get alerted by wearables when workers come in close contact
- Integrate with the Novade platform to facilitate real-time notifications and reporting
*Requires purchase of hardware
Up to 80% ADS grants available
Get government funding for the construction industry to kick-start your construction site’s digital capabilities.
Integrate IMDA pre-approved hardware & software to enforce Safe Management Measures (SMM) on your construction sites and comply with BCA’s COVID-Safe Restart criteria.