Novade Product Update for December, 2019
Novade Maintenance has updated terminology to cater to a wider audience. Preventive Maintenance jobs are now called Inspections, and Repair Jobs are simply called Jobs.
Novade Quality
- Fixed issues where:
- Some filters did not have the ability to multi-select.
- Subcontractors were unable to see all units in a project and hence were restricted from creating forms.
- Duplicated Inspections were not showing the “Start Inspection” button.
- Two tabs appear to be selected on the web view of Forms by unit
- The export to PDF by Assignee was not working.
- PDFs attached to forms were getting converted to .PNGs.
- Inspections were showing as undefined type.
- Photos could not be deleted after adding them to a form.
- Formula fields in forms were not displaying in the excel export.
- The drawing tab was not appearing in units after uploading a drawing directly to the unit.
- Values from combo boxes were not being displayed in the custom table view for forms.
- Added:
- The ability to select and export multiple cases to PDF based on block and level filters.
- The ability to make pinning a defect on a drawing mandatory.
- Any changes to the target completion date to the history log.
- A Mark as Failed button to every stage in an Inspection.
- A Project option to allow subcontractors access to files or not.
- Web –
- Added new Assignee filters on the By Type dashboard.
- Improved and expanded filters.
- Added the ability to export multiple forms to a single PDF.
- Added the ability to export to select multiple defects for export to PDF in projects where cases are not used.
- Added the project hierarchy to excel exports of forms.
- Improved UI to display the number of units after a filter is applied.
- Insights: new dashboards for case and units’ analysis added.
- Modified the colour of Ready to Complete Cases from Green to Orange to match the WIP status.
- Added a column for Rejection Reason in the excel export.
- Expanded the ability of standard users to be able to rotate, resize and add descriptions for photos in defects.
- After duplicating a form, the duplicated form no longer shows the history of the original workflow.
Novade Safety
- Fixed issues where:
- PTW v2 were not included in the overall dashboard.
- The creator of an Action was unable to edit the Risk level.
- Users were unable to download PTWs in PDF.
- PDF exports of forms were showing the form IDs instead of the value of the fields.
- Corrective Actions were not being editable on the web.
- A user with Confirm/Reject rights was unable to edit a New Action.
- Positive Observations were not being counted under My Tasks.
- Users were unable to download PDFs for PTWs and Actions.
- Web –
- An additional icon for drawings was showing on the blue toolbar.
- Fixed an issue with the Cost by Assignee dashboard where the actions were not being displayed.
- Fixed an issue with the Observations dashboard Actions created tab showing incorrect numbers.
- The Meetings table view was not showing the company field from within the meeting.
- The dots representing pinned objects was not displaying in exported PDFs.
- Mobile –
- Fixed a display issue where My Actions was displayed twice.
- Observations were not disabled on mobile even though they were disabled on the web.
- Fixed JavaScript error when a user double-taps on the Start App.
- The PDF export for Weekly PTWs was not working.
- Fixed an issue with hidden fields not showing on iOS.
- Added a new type of field in forms called Information. Text in this field can be read on the web and mobile but will not be printed in PDFs. It is used to contain explanatory notes.
- Added the ability to CC users on forms.
- Web –
- Improved overall dashboard to include totals of all types of object.
- Actions –
- The summary page of the Actions export will be in landscape mode to make it easier to read.
- PTW –
- Added the ability to duplicate a PTW to a specific stage in the workflow.
- Meetings –
- Meeting IDs will be displayed instead of the meeting template name in the web table view.
Novade Maintenance
- Fixed issues where:
- A maintenance job could not be submitted even though a mandatory photo had been attached.
- Technicians could not see jobs and inspections.
- Maintenance sites were showing as Projects.
- The assets dashboard was not showing the correct number of assets that have certificates expiring.
- Web –
- Updated UI to accommodate new terminology.
- Improved UI on dashboards to add colours for Assets based on their status.
- Clicking on numbers on the asset certificate dashboard shows a list of assets instead of certificates.
- Added the ability to:
- Be more flexible in selecting assets and the form templates related to these assets.
- Have conditional workflows in Maintenance forms.
- Mass import certificates and link them to assets.
- Select multiple templates for jobs.
- Utilities are renamed to Meters everywhere.
- Added a history log for changes to Requests.
Novade Activity
- Fixed Issues Where:
- The left-hand menu was not displaying.
- Forms created in tasks are not displayed at the Activity level.
- Estimated start and end dates were showing up incorrectly.
- Users could not add comments to tasks.
- Importing activity user rights was not functioning properly.
- User rights were not displaying properly.
- Client admins are not able to mass import activities.
- Users were unable to start tasks.
- Exported PDF was not showing the location.
- Subcontractor unable to see activities on the mobile.
- Notifications were not being received after submitting forms.
- A user could see the total number of activities but could not see the details.
- Photos from completed tasks could be deleted by standard users.
- Milestones without dates were showing up as Late.
- Task could be completed even though an attached checklist hadn’t reached the last stage of the workflow.
- The PDF export of a task was not working.
- Fixed errors on the Gantt display.
- Fixed issue with the PDF export format.
- Mobile –
- Added a Milestone view.
- Web –
- Added a Tag column to the excel exports for Activities, Tasks and Units.
- Optimisation for speed.
- Added the ability to see Activities created without a category.
Novade People
- Fixed issues where:
- Client admins could not reset passwords.
- Client Admins could not see the list of other Client Admins.