Novade Quality

  • Added the ability for users with rights to mark an inspection as failed in Quality settings
  • Added the ability to customise the format of Inspection names via Project Center
  • Added the ability to set the numbering for Inspections at project level or site level via Quality settings

Novade Safety-HSE

  • Changed the ability for PTW applicants to only revoke their PTWs as long as it has not been approved
  • Standardisation – added the ability to enable/disable dashboard display

Novade Reports

  • Added the ability to use the signature storage feature
  • Added the ability to duplicate an activity within the same report
  • Handled duplicate reports so as to avoid sync issues when Internet connection is restored
  • Displayed checkboxes next to activities within a report to enable multi selection and deletion of a batch
  • Added display options and filters, such as company, group, and job title, in workforce dashboards